Joint APEC-JODI Training Workshop on Oil and Gas Statistics

11-13 June 2019   |   Tokyo, Japan


The JODI Partners held a joint JODI-APEC Workshop on Oil and Gas Statistics in Tokyo/19th Regional JODI Training Workshop, in Japan from 11-13 June 2018. this joint workshop was hosted by the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) and held as part of APERC training for their member economies on Oil and Gas Statistics as part of their regular training. It was supported by JODI Partners: GECF, IEA, IEF, OPEC, and UNSD who sent experts to support this training of statistical energy balance completion. 

More than 30 delegates from 15 countries in the Asia Pacific Region as well as international organisations and reseach institutes including Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) and CNPC Research Institute of Economics and Technology took part in the workshop. Such participation by a wide range of key stakeholders built improved understanding of many technical issues surrounding the JODI, raised awareness of the importance of data transparency and strengthen capacity of statistical agencies in this key region. 

The workshop aimed to train energy data professionals in charge of energy data collection, compilation and dissemination at national administrations and raise awareness of the importance of data transparency while strengthening the capacity of statistical agencies in this region. For the first time since JODI’s inception, the workshop was held as part of APERC training programme. The cooperative spirit between APEC and the JODI Partner international organisations have enabled such joint and mutually beneficial programme. 

Several of the JODI partner organisations sent experts to present on the merits and technicalities of JODI, highlighting the importance of cooperation in delivering upon Ministers’ calls for global data transparency. Presentations by JODI Partners detailed the uses of JODI data including the importance of data granularity and consistency for data usability. These perspectives offered valuable insight into the needs of clear data definitions and submissions for a clear and cleaner energy future. In addition, Mr Duncan Millard, former Chief Statistician at the IEA and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change assisted the workshop attendees to improve local engagements with business entities who report data to national administrations. 

The hands-on nature of the workshop’s training sessions gave delegates the opportunity to learn about JODI definitions in more detail, and to better understand the techniques required to perform the data quality assessment necessary to underpin the accurate and timely completion of JODI questionnaires. Delegates expressed particular interest in the experience-sharing elements of the programme .
The workshop was held as a part of JODI action identified in JODI 5-Year Action Plan toward 2020 to extend JODI reach and improve data availability.

APEC will follow-up on commitments and action items agreed by their economies with the aim of capitalising on the experience gained during the programme.


01. Importance of energy commodity data transparency and recent developments of the Joint Organisations Data Initiative

02. The importance of energy data for policy making and achieving sustainable development goals

03. Crude oil and petroleum product flows and related important statistics

04. Conversion Factors (volume to mass and vice versa)

05. The extended JODI Oil questionnaire and JODI Oil Manual 2nd Edition

06. Oil Data Quality Assessment

07. Natural gas statistics

08. JODI Gas questionnaire and JODI Gas Manual

09. JODI Gas data quality assessment

10. How to engage business entities in national energy data compilation – Discussion and practical exercises.

11. Increasing data transparency across all energy data collection