JODI Database API

  • No Profile Image Smith MR
  • Join Date:Jun 2017 Posted by  Smith MR / 01.06.2017 18:10


    Is there an API available for automated downloads for JODI data?
  • Profile Image Yui Torikata / IEF
  • Join Date:May 2011 Reply 1 by Yui Torikata / IEF / 12.12.2017 11:35

    Volume/mass conversion factor (essentially same as API) are available within the JODI-Oil World Database. Please check "Conversion factor barrels/ktons" Unit dimension of the database.
  • No Profile Image Blaine Fontana
  • Join Date:Jan 2018 Reply 2 by Blaine Fontana / 14.02.2018 13:20

    I believe the poster was referring to Application Programming Interface to allow automated data downloads such as the EIA has (

    In reply to Yui Torikata

  • Profile Image Yui Torikata / IEF
  • Join Date:May 2011 Reply 3 by Yui Torikata / IEF / 14.02.2018 14:51

    Regarding Application Programming Interface, we are also considering the implementation. When we have a clear implementation schedule, it will be announced through this website as well as through our email alert system. So please make sure that you are registered at for further updates.

    In reply to Blaine Fontana