Participating Economies
114 countries / economies have participated in JODI-Oil, Members of the JODI partner organisations (APEC, EUROSTAT, GECF, IEA, OLADE, OPEC and UNSD) participate in JODI-Oil, representing more than 90% of global oil supply and demand.
APEC: 13 countries/economies | IEA: 34 countries | OLADE: 22 countries |
Brunei Darussalam | Australia | Argentina |
China | Austria | Barbados |
Hong Kong, China | Belgium | Bolivia |
Indonesia | Canada | Belize |
Malaysia | Chile | Brazil |
Papua New Guinea | Czech Republic | Colombia |
Peru | Denmark | Costa Rica |
Philippines | Estonia | Cuba |
Russia | Finland | Dominican Republic |
Singapore | France | El Salvador |
Chinese Taipei | Germany | Grenada |
Thailand | Greece | Guatemala |
Vietnam | Hungary | Guyana |
Iceland | Haiti | |
Eurostat: 6 countries | Ireland | Honduras |
Bulgaria | Italy | Jamaica |
Croatia | Japan | Nicaragua |
Cyprus | Korea | Panama |
Lithuania | Latvia | Paraguay |
Malta | Luxembourg | Suriname |
Romania | Mexico | Trinidad & Tobago |
Netherlands | Uruguay | |
New Zealand | ||
UNSD: 27 countries | Norway | OPEC: 12 countries |
Albania | Poland | Algeria |
Armenia | Portugal | Angola |
Azerbaijan | Slovak Republic | Ecuador |
Bahrain | Slovenia | Iran |
Bangladesh | Spain | Iraq |
Belarus | Sweden | Kuwait |
Bermuda | Switzerland | Libya |
Egypt | Turkey | Nigeria |
Gabon | United Kingdom | Qatar |
Gambia | United States | Saudi Arabia |
Georgia | United Arab Emirates | |
India | Venezuela | |
Kazakhstan | ||
FYR of Macedonia | ||
Mauritius | ||
Moldova | ||
Morocco | ||
Myanmar | ||
Nepal | ||
Niger | ||
Oman | ||
South Africa | ||
Syria | ||
Tajikistan | ||
Tunisia | ||
Ukraine | ||
Yemen |
A Participation assessment is published twice a year. An assessment table showing the degree of JODI partners’ satisfaction with data provided by participants with regard to sustainability, timeliness and completeness of their submissions is available on-line (see the 'Participation Assessment' section).
*Participation in JODI-Oil and JODI-Gas