4th JODI Data User Seminar
16 September 2021 | Virtual Platform, Saudi Arabia
The JODI Partner Organisations (APEC, Eurostat, GECF, IEA, IEF, OLADE, OPEC and UNSD) held the 4th JODI Data-User Seminar virtually on the IEF webinar platform on Thursday 16 September 2021 from 16:00-17:30 Arabian Central Time.
The event featured the following topics:
- JODI’s evolution and interaction with the IEF Research Agenda
- Latest on JODI: new database features, cooperation with academia and private stakeholders
- JODI mechanism and data compilation chain — key features that differentiate JODI from other data sources and complementarity with alternative market assessment matrices.
- Benefits and challenges
- Value of data transparency for market research, decision making and a sustainable future
The user seminar series has evolved since May 2014 from the Initiative’s commitment to engage with the JODI data user-community as one of objectives stated in the JODI 5-Year Action Plan which calls for raising awareness of the JODI platform and database. Participants have a unique opportunity to hear from and exchange views with technical experts from JODI partner organisations in an interactive environment.
The seminar equally aims at exploring improvement opportunities of the Initiative’s cooperation mechanism among national administrations, JODI Partners and data users. To ensure a dynamic exchange of ideas, places will be limited to 50 JODI data-users and technical experts.