IEF-KAPSARC Webinar on Energy Balance, Energy Data Transparency, Energy Policy Scenario Models
19 October 2021 | Virtual Platform, Saudi Arabia

The International Energy Forum (IEF) and the King Abdullah Petroleum Study and Research Center (KAPSARC) explored improvement opportunities to update their national energy balances compilation exercise during the IEF-KAPSARC Webinar on Saudi Arabia Energy Balance Energy Data Transparency, Energy Policy Scenario Models. The energy balance update has extensively featured the Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI) World Databases and various nationally sanctioned data with Saudi Arabia as a model case. IEF and KAPSARC have further converted the outcome to other indicators such as CO2 emission inventory at the national level based on the International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) Guideline for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
The workshop also examined data inputs fed into the energy balance such as data from various KAPSARC models on oil and gas demand in Saudi Arabia including transportation, power, as well as renewables. The webinar identified best data aggregation and compilation practices including insights on greenhouse gas inventories calculation at the International Energy Agency and on renewables-related data from the International Renewable Energy Agency.
As a response to recommendations from the "Energy open data ecosystem, policy scenario models & tools" workshop series organized by KAPSARC since 2018, IEF and KAPSARC have jointly examined KAPSARC data and modelling resources to improve energy balance compilation with Saudi Arabia as a case study. The project successfully identified key opportunities and challenges in improving existing energy balances compiled by reputable international organizations.